“A Story of First Aid” by Nutnfancy04:33

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Published on September 30, 2017

Sometimes you may be faced with people who have been seriously injured and facing immediate death. And sometimes help is far away for these victims. You may look around for a rescuer, an ambulance, a phone, or someone else to run the rescue and find none. You will be faced with a choice: do nothing or overcome your disbelief and shock over the emergency, roll up your sleeves, and go save lives. And be mentally prepared: it may involve you dealing you a fair amount of carnage to render this assistance. This is just such a story. I was one of a few rescuers at a serious auto accident involving a decapitated woman and several more seriously injured family members. This incident helped me formulate my views on medical preparedness and opened my eyes how you just may be the only one helping. Being a sheepdog may be a lonely calling.



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