UFO Sightings MIB & UFOs The Connection! Stan Romenic Explains! 2012

Published on September 8, 2017

UFO Sightings MIB & UFOs The Connection Stan Romenic Explains UFO Sightings Alien Caught On Tape! Is Alien Invasion Coming? Stan Romanek Explains! Exclusive Interview 2 of 4 Segments on Thirdphaseofmoon, as Blake Cousins ask the Hard questions! If you have captured anything Amazing regarding UFOs contact Thirdphaseofmoon Via Skype or ! Stan Romanek, International Bestselling Author, May be the world’s most documented extraterrestrial contactee. The multitude of unexplainable events involving Stan Romanek and hundreds of witnesses continue on a near monthly basis. The sheer volume of trace, video and photographic evidence is astounding! This ongoing mystery continues to become more complex with each twist and turn. Aside from any individual interpretations or opinions about these experiences there is much for humanity to learn on these very important matters. Stan Romanek’s case has created a stir in the scientific and UFO communities this is an amazing look in to a mind bending and real alien abduction case! Vist Stan Romanek’s web page

If you have captured anything Amazing regarding UFOs contact Thirdphaseofmoon Via Skype or !



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