The BEST Most ACCURATE Air Rifle Darts on Youtube!04:33

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Published on June 20, 2017

You can make some amazingly powerful .177 cal. air rifle darts using common household items. Run out of normal ammo? No problem! Using just Q-tips, coat hangers, and tape, you too can make these rounds!


I have had several requests from my early dart video on how to make these.

Each part is 1″ long, but you can vary that and experiment to see how different lengthed parts can affect how they work with your rifle. If you do not have a break-action type rifle, you can ram these down the barrel using a rod.

I put some oil on the cotton, mostly so they would clean the barrel while I shot them. I used a Winchester 800x air rifle and shot from a distance of about 15 feet.

Music: Galderia

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