RetroTech: Video8 – Forgotten Ambitions & the Crazy Walkman Compo

Published on June 9, 2017

The small tape that was supposed to become the next big thing.
Here’s a video about the forgotten history of the format and a demonstration of a rare Sony Video 8 machine called the Walkman Compo.

Q) What’s that thing at the beginning displaying the Eye of Sauron?
A) This:

Q) Hey you “forgot” to mention (Insert thing I didn’t forget here).
A) Nope – this is just a video about the things in the video. Anything not in the video is not there because it wasn’t part of the video. e.g. Digital8 and 8mm data backup tapes are not in the video on purpose.

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——-THANKS TO ——-
Jerobeam Fenderson for the intro animation:

———-Outro Music———–
Over Time – Vibe Tracks

——Outro Sound Effect——
ThatSFXGuy –

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