4 Ways Algae is Awesome04:33

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Published on May 20, 2017

Algae- that sludge you find in lakes and dirty swimming pools is set to revolutionize how we power our lives! And we’re not talking science fiction, this is science fact! Trace lists four ways algae is totally awesome!

Read More:
Food Helmet Sustains You With Algae

“One person’s head-mounted torture device may be another person’s idea of food. Case in point: the Algaculture Symbiosis Suit.”

How Algae Biodiesel Works

“The race is on for a new form of fuel. With gasoline skyrocketing to more than $4 a gallon in 2008, dependence on imported oil and depleting resources worldwide, finding alternatives to petroleum-based fuel and fuel-related products is urgent.”

Algae Could Provide One-Twelfth of the US Fuel Supply Without Stressing Water Supplies

“Algae biofuels have for several years now seemed like they were just over the horizon of widespread commercial availability. Despite genuine large-scale potential, the horizon always seems to move just a bit farther away.”

First algae powered building goes up in Hamburg

“A 15-unit apartment building has been constructed in the German city of Hamburg that has 129 algae filled louvered tanks hanging over the exterior of the south-east and south-west sides of the building—making it the first in the world to be powered exclusively by algae.”

A new streetlamp powered by … algae?

“The glowing, neon green lamp you see above is the invention of French biochemist Pierre Calleja, who had the crazy idea of using algae to power otherworldly, tube-shaped streetlamps that double as homes for this growing gloop. In a talk at TEDx LausanneChange, he explains the process behind the invention.”

Alternative ways to fuel the body

“Algaculture designs a new symbiotic relationship between humans and algae. It proposes a future where humans will be enhanced with algae living inside new bodily organs, allowing us to be semi-photosynthetic.”

A GIS Cost Model to Assess the Availability of Freshwater, Seawater, and Saline Groundwater for Algal Biofuel Production in the United States

“A key advantage of using microalgae for biofuel production is the ability of some algal strains to thrive in waters unsuitable for conventional crop irrigation such as saline groundwater or seawater.”

Watch More:
Glow In The Dark Plants!

Is Green Energy Worth it?

Epic Science: Slime


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