Stop Worrying About Fukushima Radiation!04:33

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Published on May 8, 2017

Since the 2011 Fukushima nuclear disaster, people have been quick to blame radiation levels across the Pacific on the deteriorating power plant. Is the radiation spreading that far, and is there any way to tell if it’s actually from Japan? Trace explains why even with the best technology, we can’t make Fukushima the culprit. So stop worrying!

This video is a follow-up to, “Fukushima Radiation: What You’ve Heard are LIES!” Watch the original here:

Read More:
What You Should and Shouldn’t Worry about after the Fukushima Nuclear Meltdowns

“The old saying goes where there’s smoke, there’s fire, but steam is a different story, even in the case of a nuclear power plant that suffered multiple meltdowns. Despite fresh worries about a new meltdown at the Fukushima Daiichi complex in Japan, the steam that set off this concern is merely a result of atmospheric conditions—and a reactor that is still hot from having melted down in 2011.”

Geiger Counter Numbers, How Bad is Bad?

“Given the events in Fukushima-Japan and the nuclear reactor damage and radiation entering the atmosphere there, the following information may help you to understand the units of measurement being discussed, and how it may correlate to Geiger Counter readings such as those being displayed around the country on the Radiation Network.”

Officials Reject Concerns Over 500 Percent Radiation Increase on California Beach

“Health officials in California are now telling residents not to worry after a video uploaded to the internet last month seemed to show high levels of radiation at a Pacific Coast beach.”

Video Sparks Japan Radiation Fears At Bay Area Beach

“Health officials are investigating radiation levels along the San Mateo County coast after a video surfaced online showing Geiger counter readings five times higher than normal at a Pacifica Beach.”

Sampling the Pacific for Signs of Fukushima: Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution

“An international research team is reporting the results of a research cruise they organized to study the amount, spread, and impacts of radiation released into the ocean from the tsunami-crippled reactors in Fukushima, Japan.

Coast Getting Little Radiation From Fukushima Disaster

“Scientists reported Wednesday that low levels of radiation from Japan’s Fukushima disaster first detected off the California coast two years ago have been declining ever since and remain well below any levels considered unsafe for humans.”

Fukushima-derived radionuclides in the ocean and
biota off Japan

“The Tohoku earthquake and tsunami of March 11, 2011, resulted in unprecedented radioactivity releases from the Fukushima Dai-ichi nuclear power plants to the Northwest Pacific Ocean.”

Watch More:
Don’t Believe the Fukushima Hype

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Send Nuclear Waste to the Sun?


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