YouTube Content Partnership Manager Contacted Me. Our Conversation04:33

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Published on May 3, 2017

I had a phone call with a YouTube’ Content Partnership Manager and I wanted to discuss our conversation and my thoughts.

Before I get into it I just want to let all of you know that becoming a partner with YouTube is super easy these days and literally takes 5 minutes. You just need to upload one video and you dont even need any subscribers. After you are a partner you are not done yet though as you need to apply for a Google Adsense account, get approved and link it to your Youtube account or you wont get paid!!

A YouTube partnership is a great way to earn extra income. Believe it or not there are many YouTubers that make an excess of $10k USD plus per month. I see alot of YouTubers blowing up phones, setting it on fire, putting it in the microwave etc and all those comments like why destroy a phone, rich white boy, stupid idiot, instead of destroying an new iPhone give it to me, give to to people that can afford these phones, etc and yet they get millions of views. And guess what? Their revenue is paying a hell of alot more then these small priced phones.. believe me. Plus, them blowing up phones is a business write off! it is considered a business expense. Thats just icing on the cake.

Anyway like i mentioned in the video, if I get around 25 or so comments in the description area asking me to make a step by step video for becoming a partner and how to link a Google adsense account let me know. I wont leave out vital info like these other YouTube videos out there.

I also forgot to mention in this video about some other important things that my YT manager suggested I do. I remembered this in the middle of the night but know I forgot. So I will post that info when I remember again.

As I mentioned one of my goals would be to attain 50k subscribers by years end. I am sitting at about 23k now. So please subscribe as I am here to help all of you out there as well. Im not a hater!

Appreciate any Subs. Thank you.

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