Who Shouldn’t Consume Curcumin or Turmeric?04:33

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Published on April 21, 2017

Subscribe to Dr. Greger’s free nutrition newsletter at and get a free excerpt from his latest NYT Bestseller HOW NOT TO DIE. (All proceeds Dr. Greger receives from the sales of his books, DVDs, and speaking engagements go to support the 501c3 nonprofit that runs NutritionFacts.org.)

DESCRIPTION: Just because something is natural and plant-based doesn’t mean it’s necessarily safe. Those who are pregnant, have gallstones, or are susceptible to kidney stones may want to moderate their turmeric consumption.

This is the last installment of a 6-part video series on the power of spices in general and turmeric in particular. I started out discussing the role spices play in squelching inflammation and free radicals in Which Spices Fight Inflammation? ( and Spicing Up DNA Protection ( Then out of the lab into the clinic with attempts to test the ability of turmeric extracts to treat joint inflammation with Turmeric Curcumin and Rheumatoid Arthritis ( and Turmeric Curcumin and Osteoarthritis ( My last video, Boosting the Bioavailability of Curcumin ( discussed ways to improve the absorption of these anti-inflammatory and antioxidant compounds.

I wish there was more science on wheatgrass. I just had that one unhelpful anecdote in my video How Much Broccoli Is Too Much? ( There is good science on flax though. See:

• Flax Seeds For Breast Pain (
• Breast Cancer Survival and Lignan Intake (
• Flax and Fecal Flora (
• Prostate vs. Plants (
• A Better Breakfast (
• Flaxseeds vs. Chia Seeds (

More on gallbladder health can be found in my video Cholesterol Gallstones ( And those who are susceptible to kidney stones should try to alkalinize their urine by eating lots of dark green leafy vegetables (but then shouldn’t we all :). See Testing Your Diet with Pee & Purple Cabbage (

Based on this new science on turmeric (lots more to come!), I now try to include it in my family’s daily diet.

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