Mid-Air Collision-DJi Phantom and Flame Wheel Hexacopter. On Board footage.04:33

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Published on March 17, 2017

* Videoing from my DJi Phantom (locked in Station-Keeping Mode), I flew several machines under it, including my Aerosky 550 Hexacopter, which I crashed into the DJi with. See airborne vids with the Midair Crash finale. No damage at all was done to the DJi and the 6 pack only needed some new props, a little CA, and was promptly back in the air.
Thanks for taking the time to watch folks. I would also appreciate if you would also please take a moment subscribe to be notified when I produce another RC-Television show, and if you know of others that would like to see this video, please pass it on.

Best Regards,

Dave Herbert
Academy of Model Aeronautics # 8221
Contest Director, Leader Member, Scientific division.



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