7 Bathroom Rules in Sochi Winter Olympics04:33

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Published on March 11, 2017

7 ‘bathroom rules’ – 2014 Sochi Winter Olympics

Canadian snowboarder Sebastien Toutant has recently arrived in Russia ahead of the games, and while looking around the accommodation stumbled across a bizarre chart showing what he said were the “Sochi rules in the bathrooms”.While the list of dos and don’ts includes some reasonable tips in aid of promoting good hygiene – not standing up, being sick or squatting above the toilet being used – you might be forgiven for thinking the chart’s designers had ran out of ideas when they got to the last two rules.

In one, a stick man can clearly be seen fishing, with a rod, in the toilet. The reasoning behind this remains unclear – with fishing not included as a sport at the winter games, athletes are unlikely to have brought equipment along with them.

It seems equally unlikely that the architects of the $51 billion (£300 billion) games would have cut costs by building toilets over frozen fishing lakes.

Well that’s interesting… Sochi rules in the bathrooms!! #haha #olympics pic.twitter.com/xacSVimwXY

‘ Sebastien Toutant (@SebToots) February 1, 2014

While it is a little more understandable, the sign instructing athletes not to do drugs in the toilets also seems a little gratuitous, given the games’ strict anti-doping policies and structures.

This is not the first picture to be tweeted of the toilets at games which has garnered international attention, with questions raised last month as to the practical use of a twin toilet in the Sochi Biathlon Centre.

Though it remains to be seen how officials will enforce a ban on fishing in the loos, of greater interest internationally will be whether the authorities take action based on Russia’s new laws against so-called “gay propaganda”.

President Vladimir Putin has insisted gay people from around the world can “feel relaxed and comfortable” coming to Sochi this month — but with the alarming caveat of ” as long as they leave the children in peace”.

The 2014 games are expected to be the most expensive Winter Olympics ever, taking place from 7 to 23 February.



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