16-year-old Australian teen hacked into Apple servers and stole 90GB of files

Published on August 21, 2018

As per the latest development, Australian high school student has hacked into the Apple servers, and with this, he also succeeded in downloading about 90GB of secure files. The teenage boy has accessed customer account details.


It is believed that Apple servers are unhackable. Till now, the company has not suffered any massive breach that could have exposed the user data to the hackers. It is said that most of the hackers will not be able to get near the Apple’s servers, but at the same time, a 16-year-old Australian boy who has a passion for working for Apple has hacked into its system. He also steals the data which worth some 90 GB of the secure files as well as accessing the customer accounts in this process. The stolen data are kept in a folder which was named as the “hacky hack.”

As per the Age, the teen’s defence lawyer has said that the kid has got a huge urge to work for the company. His name can’t be revealed as he is still a minor, but he is a well-known person in the international hacking community. While all this is going on, Apple is said to be very sensitive about the publicity on this type of matter which is quite understandable.

This kid has used VPNs along with some other systems to hide his original identity to hack Apple’s servers which is about a year. He also has hot access to the authorized keys, which is like the grant log-in access for the users which will be extremely secure. This hack seems to work flawlessly, but Apple caught it.

Apple said that the attacker has tried to hide the identity, but Apple was able to identify the serial numbers of the laptops which are used for the attacks. After detecting this, Apple has led the investigation to Australia. The Australian Federal Police (AFP) has seized the two laptops, a mobile phone, along with a hard drive. They have discovered the proof of the hack in this process by finding the folder “hacky hack.”

The teen has now pleaded guilty and will be sentenced next month. The teen also used WhatsApp to say about his achievement to other parties. He was now waiting for the sentence which will be delivered next month. By this, his dream of working for the Apple Company may also come to an end.




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