Tag: works

How Quantum Levitation Works + Demo

At Maker Faire 2014, we met Dylan Dixon, an 8th grade student who built a system to demonstrate quantum levitation for a school project. We chat with him to learn …

Skype Video Chat for Android Works Great

You can now download Skype on Android, with full support for the front-facing video camera, from the Android Market. It works with these devices (with Gingerbread installed)… Acer A5 HTC …

How WiFi Works On Planes

Technology has made it possible for you to access the Internet on an airplane! How exactly does WiFi work on planes? Amy joins DNews to answer this complicated question. Amy …

ESA – Space to Relax / Stellar Works of Art

Journey through galaxies, past star-forming clouds, around mammoth stars, and inside gas and dust nebulas. A relaxation programme of astronomical wonders by the European Space Agency. Originally produced for Lufthansa …

Quantum Teleportation Is Real, Here’s How It Works

Scientists successfully achieved earth-to-space quantum teleportation, but what exactly does that mean? How Quantum Computing Will Change The World! – Read More: Teleportation: Photon particles today, humans tomorrow? “Chinese scientists …

How Dry Cleaning Works

Turns out dry cleaning isn’t dry at all. We take you inside Meurice Garment Care in the Bronx to see how the dry cleaning process works at a company that …