Tag: Webcast

Webcast: Acoustic Neuroma Surgery

ProHealth Care will broadcast an educational webcast on acoustic neuroma surgery performed at Waukesha Memorial Hospital. The OR-Live.com broadcast will include a roundtable discussion with neurosurgeon Kenneth Reichert, MD, and …

Live Webcast: daVinci Robotic Prostatectomy

On February 22nd, at 4:00 p.m. (EST), surgeons from Springfield Hospital, a Crozer-Keystone Health System hospital, will demonstrate and discuss the use of robotic surgery in the treatment of prostate …

Live Webcast: Gamma Knife Radiosurgery

Treatment for an Acoustic Neuroma. Gamma Knife radiosurgery for an acoustic neuroma will be featured on the sixth webcast sponsored by Saint Joseph’s Hospital and Marshfield Clinic. During the webcast, …

Live Webcast: daVinci Robotic Hysterectomy

Join physicians from the University of North Carolina Hospitals for a da Vinci® (robotic) Hysterectomy for endometrial cancer with staging using the new da Vinci® S Surgical System. Live webcast …


