Tag: Rosetta

Rosetta: the end is in sight

It is just over two years since Rosetta made its rendezvous with comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko and now the end of the mission is in sight.  As the spacecraft and the comet …

ESA Euronews: Rosetta: az utolsó nagy dobás

Hamarosan véget ér az Európai Űrügynökség Rosetta-küldetése. Méghozzá egészen rendkívüli módon: az űrszondát lassan és szándékosan nekikormányozzák az üstökösnek, amely körül két éve kering. A Rosetta küldetése eddig sem szűkölködött …

ESA Euronews – Rosetta: The Comet Hunter Awakes

The exploits of comet-hunting spacecraft Rosetta are generating intense interest as it speeds towards a dramatic climax this autumn. The craft will catch up with comet 67p/Churyumov–Gerasimenko, fly alongside, and …

How big is Rosetta compared with the comet?

This short animation explains the relative sizes of the Rosetta spacecraft and comet 67P/Churyumov–Gerasimenko. Rosetta is 32 m from tip to tip of the solar wings. Assuming the comet measures …

Alexander Gerst talks about Rosetta

ESA astronaut Alexander Gerst talks with US media about the Rosetta mission, amongst other topics. Alexander is onboard the International Space Station at a member of the Expedition 40 crew …

Rosetta: landing on a comet

Rosetta will release its Philae lander when approximately 22 kilometres from the centre of the comet. A signal confirming the separation will arrive at ground stations on Earth 28 minutes …

Rosetta: studying comets

Taller than Japan’s Mount Fuji, comet 67P is being studied in detail by the orbiter. The comet’s distinctive complex shape present unique challenges and potential surprises for scientists but studying …



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