Tag: JPL

JPL Video: The Big Thaw

A thick chunk of Arctic sea ice the size of two states has disappeared. Is it global warming or normal causes? A new NASA-led study found a 23-percent loss in …

JPL Video: Mars – A Feast for the Eyes

A look at Mars up close through the lens of a high resolution camera aboard NASA’s Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter. The views of gullies, craters and ice layers are truly remarkable. …

NASA JPL Video Elements – Mars Icy Craters

Visuals and interview excerpts on new findings about frozen water hiding just below the surface of mid-latitude Mars. The findings were made by NASA’s Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter. Interview excerpts from …

JPL Tweetup

JPL’s first ever Tweetup. A face to face meeting of users and JPLers.

JPL Open House

Once a year NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory opens its doors and invites the public to a behind-the-scenes look at exploration at its best. Here’s highlights of the 2008 event. Get …