Tag: Illusion

Optical Illusion Greeting Card

Tim received this optical illusion greeting card in 1999. It was a Christmas card from a friend who is a designer, and the designer had created this inverted perspective card, …

Sin – a wooden illusion toy

We do not know why this toy is called Sin. Maybe it means something else in German! Designed by Peer Clahsen, it appeared in the 1987 catalogue from NAEF toys …

The “Mountain Or Valley?” Illusion

Thanks to Skillshare for supporting this video: for 2 free months! This video is about a multistable perceptual illusion, similar to the hollow face illusion, whereby maps or aerial or …

Santa Claus Optical Illusion

A fun toy this one! Inside the perspex box, Santa Claus is flying through the air, driving his sledge, pulled by just a single reindeer. Push the on switch, and …

Optical Illusion Pen Holder

This pen holder is a fun item for your desk. We are fairly sure it was made in Italy. There are a number of holes in the top, which allow …