Tag: Armstrong

NASA Remembers Neil Armstrong

One year after his death, NASA is remembering Apollo 11 commander Neil Armstrong, the first man to set foot on another world. As part of the tribute, Grammy-nominated artist Eric …

Lance Armstrong Fights Back!

Lance Armstrong is not taking this lying down so he just happens to pose next to his Tour de France jerseys. Over the weekend, the above photo showed up in …

Is Stretch Armstrong – BULLETPROOF?

-Why haven’t you subscribed yet?- Gregg made a suggestion to shoot a Stretch Armstrong doll, but I thought it would be cost-prohibitive since I was believed you could only buy …

Boeing honors Neil Armstrong

Boeing is remembering Neil Armstrong by recognizing and honoring his legacy. Members of the Commercial Crew Program, who are developing America’s next space capsule, CST-100, share their memories of Armstrong …



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