Tag: Angular

Angular cli ng serve options

In this video we will discuss some of the common options that we can use with ng serve command. To see the list of all options that we can use …

Angular CLI project structure 2

In this video we will discuss the “src” folder and it’s contents src folder : As the name implies, this folder contains all our angular project source code. Components, templates, …

Angular cli generate service

In this video we will discuss generating services using the Angular CLI. Generating services is similar to generating components. To generate a component we use ng generate component componentName or …

Angular Routing

Implementing routing in an Angular application involves many small steps. Angular CLI does a pretty good job in having some of these routing steps implemented out of the box by …

How routing works in angular

In this video we will discuss, How routing works in an angular application. As you have seen in our previous video, there are many small steps that you have to …

Angular CLI generate routing module

In this video we will discuss generating routing module using the Angular CLI. To make Angular CLI generate a routing module, all you have to do is use –routing option …

Running angular app locally

In this video we will discuss 1. How to compile and run an angular application locally on your development machine 2. What happens behind the scenes when we compile and …

Angular CLI project structure 1

In this video we will discuss the Angular project structure. I have split this into 2 videos. In this video, we will discuss all the files and folders in the …