Apple iPhone in India may face deactivation for TRAI’s new rules

Published on July 27, 2018

In the last few months, there is a debacle going on between the Telecom Regulatory Authority of India (TRAI) and Apple. Now, it has been rising day by day over the issue of the Do Not Disturb app which was made by TRAI. The matter now has taken a serious note as TRAI is now looking to withdraw iPhone’s license from the country if the company does not follow the revised rules along with regulations.

Apple always thinks that India is the big market for the iPhones, as a local product it is trying to gain some popularity. But, due to new rules and regulations by the Indian government, it may lose the business in India. As per RS Sharma, who is TRAI chairman sought to de-link the regulator’s tussle which is over the anti-spam app with Apple. This is said to be the latest recommendations about the data privacy along with the terms the two as the separate orthogonal issues.  Sharma added by saying that they are not trying to solve the problem indirectly if it cannot be solved directly, as this is not the main aim of this.

TRAI has unveiled its new regulations which say that any Access Provider will need to allow the access to apps which are required by the regulations to be made available for the installation on the smartphone platforms. It is compulsory that Every Access Provider will make sure that within six months all smartphone devices will be registered on the network support which required the permissions which are required for the functioning of Apps in the regulations 6(2)(e) and 23(2)(d).

The new TRAI app will allow the users to flag pesky calls with the unsolicited messages which are from the telemarketers to all the regulators. Google’s Android operating system has already supported this new app. TRAI has now engaged in discussion with the Apple to allow the pesky call reporting app on the iOS platform.

As per Sharma, he said that in the telecom department, the department had given the recommendations on all the ownership, security of data and privacy. The department has nothing to do with any kind of other issues which it was mentioned. They also said that the kind of language used to take the user consent which is ridiculous. It needs to be multi-lingual so that it is easy to understand the short format which the lawyers can’t even understand.

TRAI said that if Apple wants to continue in India, it will now need to make an arrangement in which it has to keep both the governments and the consumer’s interests to keep it protected.

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