F-35B – Taking STOVL to a New Level

Bringing short take off and vertical landing to a whole new level. The F-35B Joint Strike Fighter has advanced the technology of Short Take Off and Vertical Landing (STOVL). The …

5th Generation STOVL Capability for the UK

The F-35B combines STOVL capability with 5th Generation technology for the first time, a critical combination for the United Kingdom. This video debuted at the F-35 UK delivery ceremony July …

F-35B 世界初の超音速STOVL(短距離離陸/垂直着陸)ステルス戦闘機 – F-35B The World’s First Supersonic STOVL Stealth Fighter Jet

ロッキード・マーティン社が開発した短距離離陸/垂直着陸(STOVL)タイプのF-35BライトニングIIは世界初の超音速STOVLステルス戦闘機です。 USAミリタリーチャンネルのチャンネル登録はこちら→ The Lockheed Martin F-35B Lightning II Short TakeOff/Vertical Landing (STOVL) variant is the world’s first supersonic STOVL stealth fighter aircraft. Click here to Subscribe USA Military Channel: : …