Tag: Printing

3D Printing Puzzles and More!

I got a 3d printer!! So much fun! It’s a Creality 3d CR-10. I bought it on sale at gear best for $359.11 here: You can also find them on …

Automated 3D Printing with Form Cell!

We visit Formlabs’ headquarters where we see a prototype of the Form Cell, a system that combines five Form 2 SLA printers with an industrial robot gantry to automate 3D …

DIY Fine Art Printing

Sponsored by Moab Paper Many photographers look back with nostalgia to the process of printing film negatives in the wet darkroom. In this interesting and compelling lecture and demo, Evan …

ProRedefined — Pirate 3D Printing

A Think conversation with the Pirate 3D team to find out how this startup raised over US$1.4 million via crowdfunding to help redefine the 3D printing industry. Learn More: #ProRedefined