Tag: Norwegian

Norwegian MRE food rations.

These MRE (Meal Ready to Eat) food packs were sent to me from Norway by Christian (along with some interesting Norwegian chocolate). There’s a breakfast version based on a Muesli …

Norwegian Army vs Lithuanian Army: Combat Training Using MILES – ノルウェー陸軍vsリトアニア陸軍・レーザー交戦装置を使用した戦闘訓練

Combat training using MILES (Multiple Integrated Laser Engagement System) of the Norwegian Army and Lithuanian Army. Click here to Subscribe USA Military Channel: レーザー交戦装置(バトラー)を使用した戦闘訓練を行うノルウェー陸軍とリトアニア陸軍。 USAミリタリーチャンネルのチャンネル登録はこちら→ : :