Tag: Journeys

The Journeys of Apollo

The Journeys of Apollo is a previously produced documentary narrated by Actor Peter Cullen that relives the 40th Apollo Anniversary and mission to explore Earths neighbor, the moon.

Cosmic Journeys – Attack of the Sun

Massive solar eruptions take aim at our high-tech society. 93 million miles away… an angry sun vents its rage. Dark regions, called sunspots, appeared unexpectedly on its surface… a sign …

Cosmic Journeys – Trailer

Cutting-edge stories about the origins of the universe, black holes, exploding stars, the search for ET life, time and space, the solar system. Television distribution by Janson Media:

Cosmic Journeys – HyperEarth

Scientists are intensively tracking the workings of planet Earth with satellites that chart its winds, ocean currents, temperatures, plant growth, and more. They are constructing a new virtual Earth based …