Tag: IntelliscreenX

Cydia – Présentation de IntelliScreenX

Voici la presentation du superbe tweak IntelliScreenX, qui permet de considérablement augmenter la gestion des notifications, comptes mails, FaceBook et notamment. Nom : IntelliScreenX Prix : $9,99 Source : BigBoss …


Retweet: Name: IntelliScreenX Preview Description: , , Email, RSS, all from your lock screen + Notification center. 100% pure awesomeness. Price: $9.99 on release with free trial Repo: ModMyi Developer: …

IntelliScreenX 7

Description: The latest version of IntelliScreenX for iOS 7. It includes Messages +. This is a beta version. Developer: Intelliborn iDownloadBlog on : Jeff on : Like iDownloadBlog on : …