Tag: hearing

Hearing Disability | AT&T Accessibility

Learn how a customer uses wireless technology to help with her hearing disability. Learn more at: Visit the AT&T Community Forums to find answers and help others! Find support videos …

Earbuds and hearing loss

1 in 5 teenagers have hearing loss, which experts believe is in part due to the use of earbuds. William H. Shapiro, an audiologist and a clinical associate professor from …

Siemens Hearing Aids Help Police Sergeant

Sergeant Spencer Cannon of the Utah County Sheriff’s Office talks about his experience with Siemens Pure® hearing aids Sergeant Cannon pairs his hearing aids with the Siemens miniTek® remote streamer …

How the hearing works

Siemens Audiology helps to understand how the ear and hearing works. The ear is an amazing organ that, very simply put, turns sound waves in the air into information in …