Tag: ESA

ESA Challenge on board of Ice Cubes – Fenix

Europe’s first Space Exploration Masters competition, based around space exploration activities, welcomed new players to boost business and innovation in the space industry. The event was held at the NewSpace …

ESA highlights 2017

With 2018 approaching rapidly and 2017 coming to a close, ESA can look back on a fruitful year. It has been a year dominated by the ESA astronaut missions to …

ESA Euronews: The rocket factory

The launch of a rocket is the crowning moment, the culmination of a long process of careful machining and construction. What comes out of a rocket factory is a unique …

ESA astronauts in Houston

It’s a very busy year for ESA astronauts. Following Samantha Cristoforetti’s return to Earth on June 11th, two more members of ESA’s astronaut corps are scheduled to fly to the …


