Tag: CubeSats

CubeSats on the Vega qualification flight

As part of the ESA Education programme, seven CubeSats will be flown on the first qualification flight of Europe’s new Vega launcher. This video shows the integration of the CubeSats …

ESA Euronews: CubeSats: Die neuen Helden des Weltraums

Nanosatelliten werden bei der Erforschung des Weltalls eine immer größere Rolle spielen. Sei es bei Mars-Missionen oder der Überwachung von Asteroiden, die unserem Planeten gefährlich werden könnten. CubeSats sind kleine …

Space to Ground: A Fleet of CUBESATS: 05/19/2017

NASA’s Space to Ground is your weekly update on what’s happening aboard the International Space Station. Got a question or comment? Use #spacetoground to talk to us. ________________________________________ FOLLOW THE …

ESA Cubesats on International Space Station

ESA astronaut Andreas Mogensen, the first astronaut from Denmark, explains the deployment of the student-built AAUSAT5 CubeSat – the first ESA student CubeSat mission launched from space and the pilot …

CubeSats on a Mission!

Participants in this news briefing discuss several of the specific CubeSats aboard the National Reconnaissance Office’s NRO-L55 mission. Four of the CubeSats are NASA-sponsored and nine are NRO-sponsored, one of …


