Tag: Brushes

Download: Pack GFX #7 (renders, ícones, brushes e texturas)

Download do pack: —————————————————————————————— Pichau Informática da Pichau —————————————————————————————— EXTENSÃO DO TECNODIA Baixe a extensão para seu navegador (Google Chrome ou Firefox) e fique por dentro dos novos vídeos do …

Killing Zombies with Toilet Brushes?

When the inevitable will happen and the Dead walk the land, one must be able to convert household items into weapons, quickly. Perhaps the most underrated potential Zombie killer is …

Chris Hadfield Brushes his Teeth in Space

2013-03-31 – Canadian astronaut and Commander of Expedition 35 answers a question about how astronauts brush their teeth in space. You might be surprised by what he reveals! Credits: Canadian …