World’s most amazing Katana test?04:33

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Published on January 25, 2017

We have done several tests with the 160 Euro Boeker Akito Katana already. As confirmed by expert sword smith Stefan Roth, the Akito is in fact a legitimate Katana, with partial hardening of the edge and a softer back.

While the Katana has been treated pretty rough already, today we put it through the toughest test so far. We put it underneath the mighty “Rubberaulic Press”, basically a cross between a guillotine and a sledge hammer. The massive 50mm steel rod is accelerated down a frame with several hundreds of kilograms of rubber force, hitting the anvil hard enough to double a Euro coin in diameter.

What will the hammer blow do to the poor Akito when it is accelerated right down to the sword edge? See for yourself.

A “The Slingshot Channel” production!

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