The 1st production Electric Helicopter imported to the USA was the Skylark EH-1, made in Japan.04:33

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Published on January 24, 2017

Hello friends,
I have always loved science, electronics, and mechanics. I’ve subscribed since the 60’s to Popular science, Popular Mechanics, Air and Space Magazine, and all the RC airplane magazines including writing articles in most of them. I was also flying in contests, founded 3 RC clubs, was surrounded with talent like John Simone Jr, Mike Mas (National Helicopter champions) worked in Aviation Technology in the USMC for 33 years, and even worked at Kraft RC systems.
So being on the forefront of technology, I was keenly aware of all the new models and inventions, and usually wound up getting many of them for myself.
Pushing close to 70 now, I have seen it all and now am even forging into the FPV world too.
That said, when Cliff Rausin began importing the first Production Electric helicopter from Japan to his famous Hobby shop, Condor Hobbies, I had to have one, and in fact began selling them for him.

I still had an EH-1 that was not flyable in my shop. My shop got burned down before I could restore it.
Many folks donated helicopters and drones to get me back to flying and please know I am thankful and working on them one at a time, since I have a long winter ahead and lots of time. Thank you.

This one, however, I gave priority to, since it shaped so much of my hobby and learning curve, as you will see.
It was donated to me by a long time friend and flying buddy Dr. J. (Julius Schnell ), who I flew with every Sunday when I lived in California. He originally bought it from me when I was selling them back in the early Eighties. I restored it and fly it for you to see. It made me feel young again, albeit was a lot colder today than when I used to fly them in Southern California.
I hope you enjoy this bit of history. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.
Thanks kindly for watching and please take a moment to subscribe.

Dave Herbert
P.O. Box 153
Sibley, Iowa, 51249
AMA Life-8221

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