Tag: Parts

Sheet metal and spiral shaped parts

In this presentation we present two methods to create parts based on a 2D spiral shape that can later on be flattened in the Sheet Metal environment. In the second …

Honest Review: Next Level Resin Parts from BiggsNZ

Would you kindly subscribe? Buy These Parts?: BiggsNZ on : vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv—( Keep Reading) —vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv _______________________________________________________ These parts are Ajax, head and shoulders above the rest. Im really excited to build …

Buy Good Parts

The cost of labor and lost opportunities can far exceed the few hundred or thousand dollars you will save by trying to use substandard parts. Always buy high quality parts …

+500 fps Homemade Airbow – All parts from amazon!

Attention: Check your local laws and make sure this is legal where you live BEFORE you consider following this tutorial. Always follow safety rules. ————————————————————————– Plans: Clamps: Part list amazon …