Ryan Boyd introduces the Google Cloud Platform at the 2013 Game Developers Conference. Provides a high level overview of Google App Engine, Compute Engine, Cloud Storage and BigQuery. These technologies …
more at “Cold War-era treatise on globalization.” NEW VERSION with improved video & sound: Public domain film from the Library of Congress Prelinger Archive, slightly cropped to remove uneven edges, …
ESA is teaming up with enthusiasts to build a desktop greenhouse for people to grow plants at home and in classrooms as potential crops in space. AstroPlant is a citizen …
Android TV brings the Android platform to the living room with rich content and entertaining app experiences. In this video, Timothy introduces the design philosophy and developer components that make …
Target shooting at the range or just plinking cans in the woods is fun. But you can do so much more with your ammo using some creativity. And with ammo …
Tom Leung discusses the importance and benefits of optimizing your website’s design and content. He provides a detailed introduction to Website Optimizer, reviews the product’s core features, and walks through …
How does Paul find his happy place? He uses the My Sprint App, of course. It’s like a Sprint toolbox right in your smartphone. Simplify your life by checking your …
In this video we will discuss 1. Dependency Inversion Principle Introduction 2. Understand the intention of DIP usage In the first video of SOLID Introduction we have understood that D …