Tag: 53

ISS Exp 53 Farewells and Hatch Closure

Before leaving the International Space Station for the return trip to Earth, Expedition 53 Commander Randy Bresnik of NASA, Soyuz Commander Sergey Ryazanskky of Roscosmos and Flight Engineer Paolo Nespoli …

ISS Expedition 53 Undocking

Expedition 53 Commander Randy Bresnik of NASA, Soyuz Commander Sergey Ryazanskky of Roscosmos and Flight Engineer Paolo Nespoli undocked their Soyuz spacecraft from the International Space Station for the return …

ISS Expedition 53 Landing in Kazakhstan

International Space Station Expedition 53 Commander Randy Bresnik of NASA, Soyuz Commander Sergey Ryazanskky of Roscosmos and Flight Engineer Paolo Nespoli of ESA (the European Space Agency) landed safely near …

By the Numbers: Expedition 53

If there’s one thing we at NASA love more than acronyms, it’s numbers—we count pretty much everything. Now that the International Space Station’s Expedition 53 has concluded, we gathered up …

Expedition 53 – 2017 Veterans Day Message

Aboard the International Space Station, Expedition 53 Commander Randy Bresnik, a retired Marine Corps Colonel, Flight Engineers Mark Vande Hei, a retired Army Colonel and Flight Engineer Joe Acaba, a …

Expedtion 53 Thanksgiving Message

Aboard the International Space Station, Expedition 53 Commander Randy Bresnik and his crewmates, NASA’s Joe Acaba and Mark Vande Hei and Paolo Nespoli of the European Space Agency (ESA) offered …



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