OSIRIS-REx Tech: Mapping an Asteroid with Lasers04:33

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Published on January 24, 2017

2016-11-14 – Tim Haltigin, Canadian Mission Manager at the Canadian Space Agency (CSA), provides an overview of OSIRIS-REx, a NASA-led mission that will advance our knowledge about the asteroid Bennu. Tim describes Canada’s contribution to the mission, OLA (OSIRIS-REx Laser Altimeter), an instrument that will create precise, high-resolution 3D maps of Bennu and help select the best site to extract a sample for return to Earth. In exchange for OLA, Canadian scientists are part of the mission science team, and Canada will own part of the returned sample, which will be curated and studied in Canada. (Credit: Goddard Space Flight Center)

The OSIRIS-REx asteroid sample-return mission:

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