IHF: Hard Work Gets the American Dream04:33

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Published on January 31, 2018

Meet the Royo family and check out the awesome food they make. It ranks up with some of the best I’ve had. This is a hard working Mexican immigrant family achieving the American Dream. What catches my eye are the hard working, non-complaining kids. Watch the video and be amazed at their diligence. All three were total IHF. Parents Lidia and Edgar are impressive and kind. They have taught their children that if they want to succeed and have nice things in life then they must sacrifice and work hard. So while their loser friends play video games all day, these kids help mom and dad with the restaurant and even run their own snow cone stand out front! Meeting these high quality people was fun and you will sense that in our meeting. They embody several of the key concepts I promote in TNP: hard work, taking risks to get something better, strong family, vision, and serving society with awesome goods and services. Stop in and eat at Pollo Royo to see for yourself: 4000 West, 4616 South # A, West Valley City, UT 84120
(801) 955-3325. Tell them Nutnfancy sent ya’!////////////If you wish to support Impressive Human Fund please send only cash (yes it always gets to us, no problems): TNP IHF, 10322 S Redwood Rd, PMB South Jordan, 038, UT 84095. These funds are distributed with honor regardless of race, looking only upon the heart to determine qualification.

Be advised: Rants about immigration and any anit-Mexican sentiment is not welcome here and may be subject to you getting permanently clown booted out of TNP. These are good people and we ask you treat them as you would want to be treated…even online.



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