Copper may be a solution to the growing, deadly problem of hospital acquired infections. When used on commonly touched surfaces, the metal can kill some of the most infectious bacteria without scrubbing or the use of noxious chemicals. Trace looks at how copper might transform medical care for years to come.
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“Study finds copper reduces 58 percent of healthcare-acquired infections”
“New research has revealed that the use of Antimicrobial Copper surfaces in hospital rooms can reduce the number of healthcare-acquired infections (HAIs) by 58% as compared to patients treated in Intensive Care Units with non-copper touch surfaces.”
“Insect wings shred bacteria to pieces”
“The veined wing of the clanger cicada kills bacteria solely through its physical structure — one of the first natural surfaces found to do so.”
“Researchers find cicada wing structure able to kill bacteria on contact (w/ video)”
“A combined team of researchers from Spain and Australia has discovered what they claim is the first known instance of a biomaterial that can kill bacteria on contact based only its physical surface structure.”
Estimating Health Care-Associated Infections and Deaths in U.S. Hospitals, 2002″
“The purpose of this study was to provide a national estimate of the
number of healthcare-associated infections (HAI) and deaths in United States
“Bacterial Killing by Dry Metallic Copper Surfaces”
“Metallic copper surfaces rapidly and efficiently kill bacteria. Cells exposed to copper surfaces accumulated large amounts of copper ions, and this copper uptake was faster from dry copper than from moist copper.”
“How copper kills flesh-eating bacteria”
“Recently scientists staged a demonstration in which flesh-eating bacteria died off in droves when placed on a copper surface.”
“Graphene-polymer nanocomposite kills bacteria on surfaces”
“Graphene can kill bacteria and prevent the formation of pathogenic and corrosive microorganisms, which makes it a potential candidate for antimicrobial coatings for surgical equipment other surfaces in various settings.”
“Biophysical Model of Bacterial Cell Interactions with Nanopatterned Cicada Wing Surfaces”
“The nanopattern on the surface of Clanger cicada (Psaltoda claripennis) wings represents the first example of a new class of biomaterials that can kill bacteria on contact based solely on their physical surface structure.”
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