CAUDALIMETRO PARA MEDIR HIDROGENO (HHO) – Flowmeter for measuring hydrogen (HHO)04:33

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Published on May 18, 2017

Aparato imprescindible para experimentar con celdas de hidrogeno, de construccion casera y con materiales de descarte: trozos de caño de pvc (caños de desagues) muy simple y eficaz, ya que una vez calibrado es de muy alta presicion y no requiere nunca mas de ajuste alguno. Abajo les dejo el link de un shunt para medir amperaje.

Aqui esta el link para entrar a mi canal y ver todos mis videos.

Apparatus imperative to experiment with hydrogen fuel cells, homebuilt and discarded materials: pieces of PVC pipe (sewage pipes) very simple and effective as it once calibrated is of very high accuracy and requires no adjustment anymore any. Below is the link of a shunt to measure amperage.

Here is the link to go to my channel and watch all my videos.

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