Basic Dolby Atmos Home Install & Review04:33

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Published on January 24, 2017

In this video I upgrade a 5.1 home cinema system to a 5.1.2 Dolby Atmos & DTS-X Capable system. It features a review of the Marantz NR1607 AV receiver and impressions of how effective Atmos is in the most basic two front upfiring speaker configuration in a small room…..continued….
Featuring the Marantz NR1607 AV Receiver, PSB Imagine XA Atmos Upfiring Speakers, PSB XB Bookshelf Speakers and PSB XC Centre Speaker.

I must have done a very bad job in the video of getting across the Atmos experience. So let me try again.

I really like my Atmos system. It sounds very very good. It’s much better than my old system. The sound feels like it’s coming from all around. “It feels like I’m in the middle of a bubble of sound”.

Now my comments in the video were about expectations vs reality. I expected to be able to identify exactly where a sound was coming from…imagine someone dropping a coin upstairs on a wooden floor. In reality with just a couple of speakers that type of directional focus just isn’t achievable…it also woundn’t be achievable with four speakers as sound dissipates like a cone..rather than focusses like a laser. So whilst the sound comes from all around…it won’t make you duck. It is though…and I repeat…it is, very good and much better than 5.1

As I’m using upfiring speakers and have a small room with my seating sposition close to the rear wall, adding rear upfiring speakers is something that manufacturers recommend avoiding. The reason for this is because I would be too close to the rear speakers, so would hear the sound emanating from the speakers rather than the sound reflected off the ceiling…thereby making the installation of rear Atmos pointless. In a small room with upfiring speakers, it is recommended that you only install the front pair.

Purchasing links:
Marantz NR1607 Slim AV Receiver – AMAZON
PSB Imagine XA Atmos Speakers – AMAZON
Banana Plug Terminated speaker cable from Amazon
Atmos demo disc from eBay

Here’s a link to the PSB Website

Here’s a link to the Marantz Website

PSB range also available in the UK from Sevenoakes Sound & Vision
Amazon UK

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Q) What happened to the projector setup?
A) After I got a 65″ 4K OLED TV I’ve just been watching that. The room couldn’t accomodate a large enough projector screen to make it worthwhile.

Q) You don’t need expensive HDMI cables
A) If you try passing 4K 60Hz 4:4:4 through a HDMI cable that doesn’t support 4K 60Hz 4:4:4 you’ll soon see why you need to use the right cable. *I’m not suggesting paying a lot of money for a cable* you can get a cheap one, but just make sure it supports the standards you need or you experience connection issues. This isn’t idle talk, I’ve tested this out…I don’t make up nonsense for fun…observations are based upon personal experience….not just stuff I’ve heard.

Q) What about that switchbox?
A) I haven’t used it…its from Amazon

Q) I wasn’t paying attention and need you to justify to me why you bought a new AV receiver because that’s a normal way to behave.
A) 7 HDMI inputs (for Mac Mini, PS4, Wii U, Xbox, Fire TV, UHD Bluray, SKY Q
4K HDR Passthrough

depo 25 bonus 25

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