4-27-15 Halemaumau Vent Eruption – Nikon D80004:33

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Published on February 2, 2017

This video is as much about the subtle sounds of the lava lake as it is the visual. Watch at full HD setting with headphones.

Shot with my Nikon D800, Sigma 120-300mm 2.8 lens and a Rode VideoMic Pro. Dolica professional tripod.

Hawaii Volcanoes National Park Kilauea volcano, Halemaumau vent eruption has escalated in recent days. The vent has started to overflow onto the crater floor. Its quickly building into a perched lava lake. This could lead to all kinds of possibilities like filling the crater, large fountain vents, hornitos, its going to be interesting. Historic eruptions like this back in the 1800’s into the early 1900’s lasted 100 years. Might need to expand the parking lot if this follows suite. Or a shuttle system.

What you are seeing is the filled vents boiling lava lake. The sounds are from rocks and gases being releases. The dark crusted plates are constantly moving and bumping into each other. That’s much of the clanking sounds. As the lava circulates within the lake gases release. The lake has since overflowed covering a huge portion of the crater floor. It has a long ways to go to fill the crater. Its presently 280′ deep.

The viewing area is 1.2 miles away so, no close up shots can be had. When fewer people are there the sounds of rocks clanking or falling can easily be heard. Even some jetting sounds.

If you want to see images of past large perched lava lakes I was able to get up close to, visit the links below.



Video (Crude shot with a cheap Casio Point and Shoot)

These were very rare opportunities that took tremendous effort to capture but, it was also extremely rewarding. The 2007 hike to the new and growing perched lava lakes came right on the heels of a 18 mile rt hike to Pu’u O’o vent where the fissure first opened. I hiked back down stopped at a friends for some sleep then we both did the 16+ mile hike to these lakes that would eventually turn into the TEB vent. I was pretty tired returning from the second hike.


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